How long should my brakes last?


Never trust your safety to poorly functioning brakes. The average life of your brakes will vary, and it is important that you know how much longer your brakes have before they need maintenance. Know the signs, so that you can avoid an accident with faulty brakes.

The average lifespan of your brakes will vary depending on several factors. How you drive, where you drive, and what you drive - will all affect the brakes. When it comes to your safety, regular car maintenance can save you from serious brake problems down the road. The experts at your local Southern California Ford Dealers are here to explain how long your brakes should last, and what you can do to make them last longer.

The Average Lifespan of Brakes

Typically, brake pads last anywhere from 30,000 miles to 70,000 miles. That being said, there are some newer pads on the market that are designed to last much longer, some as much as over 100,000. This is all dependent on what material the brake pad is made of. Different materials react differently to heat and have different densities. These characteristics are what dictate their average lifespans.

What is more important is knowing how much braking material is left on your existing pads. This can be measured by a service technician, who can tell you an estimate of how much longer your brake pads have left. However, keep in mind that every driver is a little different, and that how you drive will heavily dictate how long your brakes last.

What Affects Brake Wear

How you drive your vehicle will be the most impactful. Hard braking, in city driving, and speeding all require that you use your brakes more than highway driving at a moderate speed. The faster you go, the harder you have to stop. The more weight you have in the vehicle, the harder it is to stop. Hard stops wear your brake pads faster than your average driver. That being said, hard stops are often unavoidable.

Secondly, if your brake system has any faults that are causing uneven brake pad wear - you will spend more money in the long run. When the caliper is damaged, the rotors are uneven, or the guide pins are failing, the brake pads may wear heavily on one side or in one spot. This will cause the brake pads to fail prematurely, and can put you at risk. This uneven wear can cause issues with the brake rotors, costing them to fail prematurely or need to be serviced as well.

Signs Your Brakes Need Service

If your brakes make any unusual squealing noises, vibrate, or are starting to lose braking power there may be cause for concern. These are typically signs of a mechanical issue with the pads, calipers, or the brake rotors. A brake pedal with extra play is sometimes considered a “spongey” brake, and it typically means there is an issue with the hydraulics. All of these issues may be early warning signs of a more serious problem.

Your local experts at Ford are here to help you with all of your brake system needs. From check ups to routine maintenance, we will make sure your most crucial safety system is working as designed. We offer services on all makes and models of cars, trucks, and SUVs. If you suspect any brake problems, contact your Southern California Ford Dealers today to set up an appointment.